Yeh so im not such a smart ass after all the sneaky peeking ive been doing - not that it will stop me of course !!
One of the results have come back DOUBLE what it should be. My darling fiances serum FSH level is 24.something. It should be under 11 i think ....... and apparently this indicates a testes problem. Now we know about this already, we have gorgeous sexy little swimmers, just not enough of them, so this is no shockarooney to us. Here is my problem.....
I love google, google as educated me no end, google brought me to this blog and made me write even when i was at my lowest after finding out that sex doesnt always make babies is giving me conflicting advice. Google suggests that men with a high FSH cannot father their own babies as the sperms are not good enough quality due to the teste failure.....and then after i freaked out accordingly and started reading everything available on this shitty little subject, goodle updated me with the fact that doctors really shouldnt carry out the test anymore, with the invention of the godsend we call ICSI this problem is eliminated and the best ones are chosen and loads of men with high fsh have fathered babies with some assistance, and that there are many forms of teste failure and some of them including the undescended teste one that df had as a child means the little guys are perfectly normal there just isnt enough. ! - why couldnt it have directed me to this little piece of info first !!! tut.
I have another worry.....(i hope you are all sitting comfortably and ready to relax me with expert opinions) heart literally sank when that blood test came back...i dont know why but it did, and now im bricking it for the chromosome test and the cystic fibrosis one...i dont think that even if these came back as bad results it would alter out treatment plan..hmmm...would it ?? does anyone know?? why the fek do i have to wait another 5 weeks to find out.