Monday, 20 April 2009

If you ever WANT your period to come ...

.......take a pregnancy test !!!!! Yep im almost 2 days late and I have a wee drawer which holds my internet cheapie pregnancy tests, so i thought ...what the will be a laugh. Needless to say it was BFN, did i expect anything else - did I hell. Im not that lucky. Sure as shite, the pee stick cant be passed the U-Bend yet and I have the bloody staining. Oh yes I POAS and the haggard old fucker arrives. I remember this used to happen when we were 'trying', the regular old way, guaranteed the minute you pee on a stick the red flow would arrive !!! Bitch. Well she will be here full flow by the morning - the cow that she is.

1 comment:

Caz said...

Have you ever noticed it's the same when you are at the lights. They're red, but the second you put the handbrake on, they go green!

Hugs to you mate, and I hope her stay is short and sweet. xxx